The paragone of Arte de la Pintura by Francisco Pacheco: linguistic and discursive options of the textual strategy


  • Nuria Rodríguez Ortega



This essay intends to reuse some concepts developed by the textual semiotic for the analysis of the paragone included in the Arte de la Pintura by F. Pacheco (1649). The purpose is to investigate strategies of analysis enable us to conduct lexicological and terminological studies in which the linguistic units go beyond their mere referential or denotative value. In this particular case, we discuss the lexical and discursive options made by F. Pacheco in order to perform the persuasive objectives of his discourse as well as his own definition as textual subject.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Ortega, N. (2015). The paragone of Arte de la Pintura by Francisco Pacheco: linguistic and discursive options of the textual strategy. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, 1(28), 145–166.


