The council of Alcoy in the XVIII century: the rejection as a popular act


  • María del Carmen Irles Vicente



With the abolition of privileges in 1707 and the replacement of the existing municipal model in Valencian by the regidores of the Castilla style, the town of Alcoy became to have eight council, appointed by the king, who should exercise their positions lasting lifetime. In this paper we propose to study the difficulties at certain times of the 18th Century were taken to complete the allocation initially assigned to the town hall of Alcoy and, at the same time, discover the reason
for this rejection to join the consistory by individuals selected for such positions.


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How to Cite

Irles Vicente, M. del C. (2015). The council of Alcoy in the XVIII century: the rejection as a popular act. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (29), 303–319.


