Archaeological news about Algeciras (Cadiz) in the early XX century and new data of D. Emilio Santacana collection
Willoughby Verner, a former British colonel, who has moved for his retirement to Algeciras, living then in a house called “El Aguila”, while studying ornithology across La Serranía de Ronda, visited the Pileta Cave and published in 1911 a few articles on the Palæolithic Pileta Cave drawings which brought in world attention among scientists. In 1908-1909 the volume called Catálogo Monumental de España. Provincia de Cadiz was written by Enrique Romero de Torres and the book mentions an archaeological collection owned by Emilio Santacana y Mensayas, then in 1906 Lord Mayor of Algeciras town when the international Conference of Algeciras was held.Downloads
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