El partido único durante el franquismo. FET y de las JONS en Málaga


  • Cristian Cerón Torreblanca




This article analyses the evolution of the only political party in Malaga during the first
twenty years of the Franco regime. It studies the Falangist staff and the politics undertaken
by this organization during this period. Thus they represent on the hand, the attempt of the
Falangist movement to expand their broad power-base in the city; and, on the other hand, some
aspects of the attempts of the other families of the Franco regime to stand in their way. All this
occurs in the national context and is set against the comparative example of other regional cities
that local historians have provided.


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How to Cite

Cerón Torreblanca, C. (2015). El partido único durante el franquismo. FET y de las JONS en Málaga. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (30), 403–414. https://doi.org/10.24310/BAETICA.2008.v0i30.217


