A sculpture of seated muse of Astigi (Ecija, Seville). In relation to the exhibition held in Malaga
Among the pieces of art shown on Roman Theatre held in the Episcopal Palace, Málaga, from December 2006 to January 2007, some samples of ancient Muses were outstanding such as the one found in a Torre de Palma village mosaic from the National Archaeological Museum of Lisbon, the one of a Uranian goddess, formerly exhibited in the Loringian Museum of Malaga and now being a property of Madrid National Archaeological Museum, also it is remarkable the statue of a sitting Muse found in Ecija and now being part of the Municipal Collection of this Seville village. Apparently, this statuary type seems to be parallel to an original Hellenistic model and thus we may deduce that the sculture of the ancient Astigi can be identified as the Muse Calliope
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