The organization of the agricultural area of the Axarquía district in Malaga


  • Susana R. Navarro Rodríguez
  • Remedios Larrubia Vargas



In this paper the evolution of the agricultural area of the Axarquia district during the last quarter of the past century is discussed. Over the period studied can be observed some reorganization, the retreat from agricultural activity, and diminish of the area, which previously was cultivated. This process causes changes of the economic situation of Axarquia region, based before on agriculture. For analysis presented in this paper two types of cultivation systems have been studied: rainfed and irrigated crops, and also their economic performance. The study shows
clearly that from the point of view or economy, the second system is much more attractive, what implies competitive difficulties for the first cultivation system. Because of that the agricultural activity, if any, bases mainly on the second type of cultivation, however, nowdays even that one is diminished and there is growing sale threatening of the land for urbanization.


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How to Cite

Navarro Rodríguez, S. R., & Larrubia Vargas, R. (2015). The organization of the agricultural area of the Axarquía district in Malaga. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (30), 91–113.


