El consumo bruto de energía primaria en Andalucía (1870-1930)
consumption, traditional and modern forms of energy, AndalusiaAbstract
This article studies the gross consumption of primary energy in Andalusia within the contextof Spain, for the period 1870-1930, including traditional forms of energy (energy produced
physically by people and animals plus energy produced by water and by firewood) and modern
forms of energy (coal, hydro-electricity and oil). The text is divided into five sections. The
introduction, which outlines the goals of the article. The second section explains the sources
and methods used to calculate the net consumption of primary energy in Andalusia and Spain.
The third section analyses the energy resources of Andalusia. The fourth presents an estimate
of the net consumption of primary energy in Andalusia and Spain in the years 1870, 1900 y
1930. Finally, the conclusions, which highlight a moderate growth in energy consumption in
Andalusia and the predominance of traditional forms of energy.
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