Taxation and ecclesiastical control in the Visigothic Hispania: supervision of souls and taxes


  • Sebastián Souviron Bono



Taxation, Hispania, Visigoths, Bishops, Late Antiquity


The growth of the Episcopal authority in Late Roman Hispania and the Visigothic Kingdom has a strong relationship with fiscal aspects of urban life. Until now the research on this matter has been dispersed between works concerning other sides of bishops´ power and social links. In the present article we point out the fiscal links of the bishopric at this time and we try to resolve whether the bishops were or not involved in collecting municipal taxes.


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How to Cite

Souviron Bono, S. (2015). Taxation and ecclesiastical control in the Visigothic Hispania: supervision of souls and taxes. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (31), 275–289.


