Prostitution in the New World: Three Courtesans from Potosí, “The Babylon of the Indies”




prostitution, Potosí, viceregal culture, material culture


This article starts a brief review of critical and bibliographical invisibility, not regarding chronicles, literature or paintings, of prostitution as commercial activity during viceregal America, particularly in the city of Potosí, Bolivia. I will analyze the cases of three notorious courtesans and their scandalous careers in the Villa Imperial: Laureana, Doña Estefanía and Doña Clara, «La Achacosa» («The Ill One»), to illustrate the presence of these women and their participation in their society’s moral economy and material culture.




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How to Cite

Zinni, M. (2024). Prostitution in the New World: Three Courtesans from Potosí, “The Babylon of the Indies”. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (43), 219–246.

