The occupational hazard prevention and the world of labour during the years of the Franco regime


  • Cristian Cerón Torreblanca



Occupational Hazard Prevention, Pro-Franco dictatorship, History, Malaga


This article analyses the evolution of the occupational hazard prevention during the years of the Franco regime. It also studies the politics it carried out during this period. Thus, we will examine, on the one hand, the Pro-Franco dictatorship attempt to expand its extensive power base, and on the other hand, the friction which this created and the progressive separation of the workers during the last years of the dictatorship. All this occurs in a national context and is set against the comparative example of other regional cities that local historians have provided.


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How to Cite

Cerón Torreblanca, C. (2015). The occupational hazard prevention and the world of labour during the years of the Franco regime. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (32), 493–505.


