The popular religiousness beyond death: testaments of the notaries of Málaga of the 17th century


  • Eva Mª Mendoza García



Religiousness, testament, notaries, Malaga


Testaments constitute the last will of a person. The testament means the desire of having solved the most of the spiritual and earthly matters as can be the inheritance of a person. The testators, with his several petitions, offers us proofs of his religious beliefs, what make us understand the guidelines of behaviors of the society at that time. It´s possible to find or discover private and personal desires in testaments using a legal language. We are going to approach to the main issues in this article, taking as the center of our research different written texts of last will, which are guarded by the Historical Archives of Malaga. These legal testaments which were made by notaries of this city during the 17th century join a double condition: the beliefs and feelings of the human being and the legal knowledges used in the testamental forms.


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How to Cite

Mendoza García, E. M. (2015). The popular religiousness beyond death: testaments of the notaries of Málaga of the 17th century. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (32), 371–393.


