The “Eva Perón Foundation May 7th School” Within the Framework of the Professionalization Process of Nursing in the Argentine Republic


  • Damian Alejandro Cipolla Universidad Nacional de Luján Argentina



7 de Mayo School, Nursing, Eva Perón Foundation


During 1946 General Juan Domingo Perón came to the presidency; This new government aimed to extend the rights to all the inhabitants of the Argentine nation. Within the new state structure, the direction of the Secretary of Public Health was in charge of Doctor Ramón Carrillo, who promoted a transformation in the health field of the country.

From this context, we propose to study the role of nursing in relation to the situation of the medical profession and its development linked to the presence of the State. It is necessary to emphasize that during the first Peronist governments, the recognition of nursing and its development would receive at this stage, renewed impulses for its training. This presentation aims to work the School of Nurses May 7 of the Eva Perón Foundation from the records that are in the collection of the National Institute of Historical Research Eva Perón (INIHEP); in addition to the interviews carried out with the former students of said school, testimonies that are part of the Oral History Archive of INIHEP.

Taking into account the contributions provided by the studies of women and gender added to the   contributions of the social history of health and disease, we aim to observe: On the one hand, the characteristics of the organization and student enrollment of School 7 of May, and on the other hand, the attempt to transform the role of the nurses observed in the training of the students of the 7 de Mayo School and the actions carried out by them.


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How to Cite

Cipolla, D. A. (2024). The “Eva Perón Foundation May 7th School” Within the Framework of the Professionalization Process of Nursing in the Argentine Republic. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (43), 337–371.

