José González Edo, he vital and profesional trajectory of an arquitect. Forgotten commitments in Málaga (1894-1989)


  • Esther Cruces Blanco



José González Edo, urbanism, XIX century, Málaga


José González Edo was an outstanding figure of the Architecture and Urbanism of the Contemporary Spain although the Civil War cut off many of the projects and also the possibilities to afford an Architecture conceived by modern expressions and that became from Central Europe. The activity of José González Edo in the province of Málaga was intense because he worked as an professional architect and as the Architect for the Schools Buildings as well as the Chief Architect of Urban Cadastre in the Provincial Delegation of the Financial Ministry. The urbanism works of José González Edo in the city of Málaga and in several plans in the Province promoted several disappointments with authorities, nevertheless he never lost his links with Málaga.


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Carta al Director de Julián Sesmero. SUR. Domingo 27 de mayo de 1979, pág. 5.

Carta de F.A.M. a González Edo. 1956, enero, 25. Madrid.

CRUCES BLANCO, E.: “Documentación sobre refugios antiaéreos en archivos privados. El arquitecto José González Edo”, Boletín del Sistema Archivístico de la Defensa (SAD) 15, julio 2008, 14-25.

GALLEGO ARANDA, S.: “D. José González Edo: un primer paso hacia el racionalismo en la arquitectura melillense”, Boletín de Arte 16, 1995, 235-248.

GONZÁLEZ EDO, J.: “Ideas para un parque en Málaga”, Geometría 7, 1989, 56.

SEGUÍ, J.: “J. González Edo: análisis de su obra”, Geometría 6, 1988, 64-78

SEGUÍ, J.: “González Edo: análisis de su obra (reedición)”, PH. Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico 28, 1999, 120-129.



How to Cite

Cruces Blanco, E. (2015). José González Edo, he vital and profesional trajectory of an arquitect. Forgotten commitments in Málaga (1894-1989). BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (32), 187–216.


