Concordia nostra: the libertas in Germania of Tácitus


  • Juan Carlos Tellería Sebastián



Tácitus, Germania, Rome


Among the works of Tacitus, Germania occupies a singular position for its ethnographic genre, which is not common in ancient historiography. However, an internal political reading in support of Trajan is possible. The concept of libertas among the Germans has several meanings: tha highlights are independence from the Romans and the lack of development of political institutions. In connection with the Roman world, libertas must be compatible with the Prince, with the laws and with the Concordia, understood as civic ideal.


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How to Cite

Tellería Sebastián, J. C. (2015). Concordia nostra: the libertas in Germania of Tácitus. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (32), 177–185.


