About the Journal


Baetica. Modern and Contemporary History Studies maintains an anti-plagiarism policy that ensures that all published works are unpublished, through the professional application of Ithenticate's Crossref Similarity Check services, to scan all proposals. We use the service on all documents that have passed the editorial classification process and are eligible to be sent for blind peer review.

The Journal reserves the decision to reject articles with an inadequate similarity percentage. We also have specific plagiarism detection tools such as Unicheck, a free access platform that monitors originality and controls plagiarism.

Digital Preservation Policies

Digital preservation can be seen as the set of processes and activities that ensure that information that now exists in digital formats is accessible in the long term. The journal's digital content is extremely valuable and measures are in place to ensure both its current accessibility and its long-term preservation.

All of our electronic content (website, manuscripts, etc.) is stored in multiple sources. Content on a server that is online and accessible to readers. A copy of said content is saved as an additional backup, since the OJS software makes weekly copies using the LOCKSS system https://www.revistas.uma.es/index.php/baetica/gateway/lockss and CLOCKS https: //www.revistas.uma.es/index.php/baetica/gateway/clockss

The journal has a DOI, which also ensures the durability of access through Crossref. The information from the journal is also available in open access in different databases such as DOAJ and DIALNET, which guarantees the preservation of content by more than one source of information.

Use of interoperability protocols

Baetica. Modern and contemporary history studies incorporates interoperability protocols that allow it to be collected by other distribution systems, accessing through the electronic address https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/baetica/oai

Articles include meta tags in both Spanish and English, on the home page and in the articles.

Measures to support Open Science

We advise authors to deposit complementary material, at least the research data underlying the publications, in open access institutional or thematic repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
To do this, they must relate the articles they publish with their complementary material deposited in public repositories through unique and persistent identifiers (handle or DOI).
