On the "Philosophical" and "Poetic" in Valéry through Dance: Movement, Otherness, and the Creative Question


  • Álvaro Cueli Spain


poetic, philosophy, Valéry, dance, Carmen, otherness


This research conducts an approach to the concept of the «philosophical» and the «poetic» within the work of Paul Valéry, primarily through the study of the issue in his Poetic and Aesthetic Theory and, more particularly, through his essay «Philosophy of Dance». Both concepts revolve around what Valéry terms «abstract thought», starting from different moments and aiming towards a purpose or not. Similarly, the author’s distinctions between the «philosophical» and the «poetic» find their analogy with «prose» and «verse», as well as with the question of «movement», «walking», «dance», and «otherness».


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How to Cite

Cueli, Álvaro. (2024). On the "Philosophical" and "Poetic" in Valéry through Dance: Movement, Otherness, and the Creative Question. Analecta Malacitana. Revista De La sección De Filología De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 45, 259–270. Retrieved from https://revistas.uma.es/index.php/analecta/article/view/21094