The Aesthetics of Cruelty in Angélica Liddell's Writing and its Presence in ¿Qué haré yo con esta espada?
Angélica Liddell, ¿Qué haré yo con esta espada?, Aesthetics of Cruelty, Poetic Violence, Postdramatic TheatreAbstract
Angélica Liddell, a contemporary model in the Spanish and European scene, works with the personal wound to redeem the shared real violence in a theatre covered in pain that finds its way through an Aesthetics of Cruelty. Based on a study of the Rhetoric of ¿Qué hare yo con esta espada? (Aproximación a la Ley y al problema de la Belleza) of her Trilogía del Infinito (2016), a play that explores the origins of Evil, some of the elements used by the playwright to show this Aesthetics of Poetic Violence in her writing can be observed.
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