Sinonimia en el Corán y su traducción al español


  • Rana Abul Fadl Universidad de El Cairo Egypt



synonymy, translation, pseudo-synonyms, semantic contiguity


Both the Arabic and Spanish languages have several synonyms that are considered one of the resources of their richness. In the Holy Quran it is noted that all the words used in the different situations are not interchangeable with their partial synonyms. In this article, we are going to study three types of partial synonymy in the Quran and how they are transmitted to Spanish in the translation of Cortés, as a model. We follow the descriptive-analytical method. We aim to discuss whether there is synonymy in the two studied languages, in general, and in the Quran, in
particular. In addition, we study how synonyms or pseudo-synonyms in the Quran are translated into Spanish. We conclude that the addition of adjectives, the ellipsis or the repetition of one of the synonyms is used to translate the partial synonyms in the Quran.


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How to Cite

Abul Fadl, R. (2022). Sinonimia en el Corán y su traducción al español. Analecta Malacitana. Revista De La sección De Filología De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 42, 155–180.