Retirement, remuneration and the law: the inmutability of pensions rights under the nicaraguan family code




Senectud, ancianidad, compatibilidad, pensión de vejez, Nicaragua


This article reviews the impact of the Nicaraguan Family Code, especially its influence on old-age pensioners, who assumed that they could combine the perception of the economic benefit whit access to employment.

The research represents a novelty in the Nicaraguan context by addressing whether old-age pensioners can combine without restriction the enjoyment of their pension with employment, proposing solutions, and highlighting the need for reform in the configuration of social security, at the same time, it focuses on describing the legal ambiguity and opportunism arising from the regulatory disorder.


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Author Biography

Luis Ernesto Alemán Madrigal, Universidad de Salamanca

Profesor Avatar de la Universidad Continental de Perú

Doctorando en Administración, hacienda y justicia en el Estado Social


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How to Cite

Alemán Madrigal, L. E. (2024). Retirement, remuneration and the law: the inmutability of pensions rights under the nicaraguan family code. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (9), 91–121.



Estudios doctrinales