The Development of New Forms of Employment from the Perspective of Working Time
new forms of employment, technological innovation, working time, digital platforms, smart workingAbstract
This paper analyzes the development of new forms of employment, considering the margins of flexibility that Labor Law allows and, especially, its application from the perspective of working time. There is currently a profound debate on the application of technological innovations in production processes. Its consequences on employment and the quality of working conditions are considered. Undoubtedly, one of the special manifestations of the development of the new forms of work occurs from the perspective of the application of working time. In this sense, the flexibility of working time essentially affects the application of the legal limits for organizing the working day. These legal limitations were based on the industrial work model and were not considering its application in the context of the digital economy. As a result of the profound transformations that are taking place in the protected work model, this study analyzes the repercussion of the new forms of work considering a necessary protective interpretation.
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