Legal Protection of Autonomous Women in Cuba




self-employment, working women, laws, discrimination, non-state sector


The insertion of the role of working women in Cuba has managed to be one of the richest and most complex phenomena of the development of the nation in the last sixty years, today women are capable of performing the same tasks as men without differences. They are also being protagonists of non-state work on the island, self-employed or autonomous work that constitutes one of the ways by which the Cuban family has been able to legally obtain their income and change their living conditions. Currently our country is in a process of modernization of laws and legal growth and that is why from this article we will analyze how this form of non-state work is manifested in the Cuban legal system and how it legally protects women workers in this sector. 


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Author Biography

Aydee Tamara Sosa Fernández

Licenciada en Derecho

Consultora Jurídica


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Díaz Cuellar, F. y Mestre Oviedo, J., “La mujer cubana: evolución de derechos y barreras para asumir puestos de dirección”, Revista Médica Electrónica, Matanzas, Cuba, 2017.

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Silva González, J. L. y Menoya Zayas, S., “El derecho de la mujer trabajadora a la maternidad en Cuba: Reflexiones desde la perspectiva de la equidad de género”, Investigations-Investigaciones-Ikerlanak, vol.11, núm. 3, 2021.

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How to Cite

Sosa Fernández, A. T. (2023). Legal Protection of Autonomous Women in Cuba. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (7), 144–157.



Estudios doctrinales