Disability, gender and labor inclusion
Social and labor incentives for self-employment and entrepreneurship in Andalucía
new era, fundamental labor rights, technology, challenges, regulatory changesAbstract
It is necessary to start from a previous self-reflection that allows us to break with the generalizing, prejudiced and associative imaginary that equates disability with the impossibility of participating in the labor market. Since, the prejudices rooted in the idea of ??disability itself are sustained by means of such beliefs, establishing solid mental barriers, the result, mainly, of ignorance. Which, without a doubt, will have a negative impact on the lives of people with disabilities, given the clear social, educational, political and legal implications, among others, that derive from them.
All in all, although progress has been made in recent years in the design of inclusion policies for people with disabilities, there is still a long way to go to achieve important objectives around greater labor and social inclusion of the group. For their part, with regard to women with disabilities, traditional gender roles and other additions hinder entrepreneurial initiative, which has positioned itself as one of the possible solutions to the high unemployment rates both in Spain and Andalusia. This work aims to collect and analyze the socio-labour context of these women and the initiatives proposed by the legislator and public administrations.
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