The minimum vital income and the ups and downs of the legislator
minimum vital income, Royal Law 20/2020, poverty, economic vulnerabilityAbstract
The minimum vital income comes to complete one of the constitutional mandates forgotten until now by the legislator, which is the guarantee of a minimum income to alleviate economic vulnerability and fight against poverty. A redistribution of wealth is intended, as well as the labor insertion of the possible beneficiaries.
The norm is approved in 2020, in the midst of a health and economic crisis derived from the pandemic caused by Covid-19. The approval of this decree provoked much criticism from the doctrine and from the possible beneficiaries, an example of this is that it has been the subject of up to seven modifications in just over a year, which reflects the urgency in its regulation and drafting as the difficulties in its management.
The new law that regulates it was published on December 21, 2021 and tacitly replaces the Royal Decree-law, including new features that facilitate and speed up its management.
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