Social Inclusion, Division of Labor and Democratic System
A Reflection on Durkheim's Social Theory
sociological theory, norms, representations, division of social labor, social solidarity, social inclusion, social cohesion, social exclusion, interest organizations, professional corporationsAbstract
Emile Durkheim is one of the founding fathers of scientific sociology. But he is also one of the great inspirers and builders of the idea of "social solidarity". For him, in his moral individualism, the individual is not isolated but inserted in the social fabric and in the social division of labor that decisively influence his behavior. In pluralistic societies (also socially) moral individualism produces social inclusion. That is, its moral individualism is born in opposition to traditional liberal individualism (which corresponds to an early modernity and a restricted and exclusive democracy) that had failed as an ideology and practice of social order and integration. His moral individualism is, on the contrary, "social", that is, linked to the process of socialization that shapes individual consciences. On the contrary, traditional liberal individualism produces a kind of negative individualization, which in itself contributes to generating and perpetuating social exclusion. In particular, the social question would be a collective exponent of the lack of social cohesion and the breakdown of integration mechanisms that favor "organic solidarity" and social inclusion within the framework of the social division of labor.
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