The content and scope of care tasks in Residential Care Centers

Its consolidation after Judgment 1024/2020, of November 24, of the Social Chamber of the Supreme Court




Catalog of services, dependence, geroculturists, old people, residences


Demographic and socio-sanitary changes are causing a progressive increase in older people who are increasingly long-lived, which leads to dependency problems in the last stages of their life. The assessment of each case and the recognition of the degree of dependence established in Law 39/2006, of December 14, on the Promotion of Personal Autonomy is essential for the geroculture staff to develop the exercise of their functions with quality, without leaving the one side the special mention that the Law makes to the training and qualification of professionals and caregivers. The controversy raises in article 17 of the VII State Collective Framework Agreement for Care Services for Dependent Persons, when the functions of the farmer are specified, and the possible incompatibility existing in the exercise of certain residential functions. However, jurisprudence endorses this attribution of functions, at the time through Sentence 1/2019, of January 21 of the National Court, and subsequently in Sentence 1024/2020, of November 24 where the Chamber of the Social of the Supreme Court gives firmness to article 17 of the Collective Agreement.


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Author Biography

Mª. Fátima Poyatos Chacón, Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo, Universidad de Málaga

Profesora del Departamento de Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social


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Oficina Subregional para el Cono Sur, Oficina Subregional para Centroamérica, 2009.

Poyatos Chacón, F., Evaluación de la dependencia, mejora de la calidad. Vérticebooks. Málaga, 2012.

Rodríguez Rodríguez P., Bermejo García, L., Marín Carmona J.M., y Valdivieso Sánchez C., Servicios de ayuda a domicilio. Manual de planificación y formación. 3ª edición. Editorial médica Panamericana, Madrid 2011, págs. 99-129.

Trigueros Guardiola, I., y Mondragón Lasagabaster J., Manual de ayuda a domicilio. Formación teórica-práctica. Siglo XXI de España Editores, S.A., Madrid 2002, págs. 111-125.

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How to Cite

Poyatos Chacón, M. F. (2021). The content and scope of care tasks in Residential Care Centers: Its consolidation after Judgment 1024/2020, of November 24, of the Social Chamber of the Supreme Court. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (3), 259–274.



Estudios jurisprudenciales