The elderly and old-age pensions in Chile




Social Security, Pensions, Old Age and Solidarity


As in most nations, the pension is the main benefit (substitute income) to which the elderly have access, a situation that in Chile is put to the test, at least with respect to its sufficiency and comprehensiveness, which, in any case, reaches more than 85% of people aged 65 or older.
Chile currently has a pension system structured on the basis of three pillars: a basic solidarity one, a contributory one complemented with solidarity benefits from the first pillar for a majority sector of the elderly with self-financed pensions, and a third voluntary pillar that seeks to "improve or anticipate" the contributory pensions of mandatory contributions with individual or collective/company savings.
This system has its origins in the structural reform carried out between 1978 and 1980, with its most specific manifestation in Decree Law 3,500 of 1980, complemented, fundamentally in 2008, with the creation of the solidarity pillar.
In addition to the above, there are benefits for the elderly associated with rest and recreation, among others, as well as benefits related to health and illness, in addition to the general ones. We refer to all of them in a descriptive and synthetic way.
The entire study is developed in relation to the so-called four key factors of Social Security: people covered; insured benefits and conditions of access; their financing; and administration and management mechanisms, without neglecting to refer to the role of the State in the overall governance of the system.


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Author Biography

Hugo Cifuentes Lillo, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Profesor Derecho de la Seguridad Social


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How to Cite

Cifuentes Lillo, H. (2021). The elderly and old-age pensions in Chile. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (3), 178–196.



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