The Application of the Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA) for Pensions
Supreme Court of Justice Case Law: Dissenting Opinion 200/2020
Mexico, salary, pension, retirement, social securityAbstract
This paper examines the case law ruling issued by the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) contradicting Opinion 200/2020, which concerns an economic-political criteria to allegedly protect the finances of the ISSSTE, in this case, to the detriment of pensioners and supports the reform of December 16, 2020, on Social Security Law pensions, which legalized the UMA. In this way, it diverged from the prevailing trend of the rulings and case law adopted since 2018 by various Collegiate Circuit Courts of the Federal Judiciary on labor and administrative issues in favor of pensioners, concerning the use of the general minimum wage in calculating retirement pensions.
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