Security benefits versus care benefits within the framework of rules of coordination of Social Security in the European Union

Regarding the Judgment of the CJEU of 03/12/2020. Case C-769/18




Social Security coordination rules, social care, principle of assimilation of facts, disability


The judgment defines the benefits that are included within the scope of the coordination regulation of the Social Security systems of the European Union. Faced with the problem posed by the exclusion of assistance benefits from the scope of application of Community regulations, it uses the principle of assimilation of facts as a factual element of connection between contributory benefits from a Member State with assistance benefits from another Member State.


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Author Biography

Virginia Eugenia Cardeñas Porta, Universidad de Málaga

Graduada Social. Doctoranda del Programa en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales


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How to Cite

Cardeñas Porta, V. E. (2021). Security benefits versus care benefits within the framework of rules of coordination of Social Security in the European Union: Regarding the Judgment of the CJEU of 03/12/2020. Case C-769/18. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (2), 243–260.



Estudios jurisprudenciales