New doctrine of the Supreme Court on the assessment of professional experience for the services provided in mutual collaborators with Social Security

Judgment of the contentious-administrative chamber of the Supreme Court of May 26, 2020




merit, mutual, word, public, concerted, health, ecuality


Analysis of the recent judgment of the Supreme Court that establishes doctrine about the consideration of mutual collaborators with social security as public health service for the purposes of the evaluation as a merit of the services provided for them in access to public employment. Approach to the complex legal nature of mutuals, the legal regime of their staff, and different judicial pronouncements that have determined the interest of the matter for the establishment of doctrine in cassation.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Pérez Blanco, Universidad de Sevilla

Investigador en Derecho del Trabajo y Seguridad Social


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How to Cite

Pérez Blanco, F. J. (2021). New doctrine of the Supreme Court on the assessment of professional experience for the services provided in mutual collaborators with Social Security: Judgment of the contentious-administrative chamber of the Supreme Court of May 26, 2020. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (2), 223–242.



Estudios jurisprudenciales