Towards the recovery of vocational training for presential employment

The Employment Training System




synchronous character of training, catalog of training specialties, certificate of professionalism, skills, responsible statement of training accreditation, training system for employment


The work analyzes and assesses the current System of Vocational Training for Employment in Spain, from a legal point of view. The analysis of regulations advances from the first agreements highlighting the importance of Vocational Training for Employment and that they contemplate the bases , to the various additions and developments that have occurred over time, with special incidence on the current situation COVID, which has led to a paralysis of the Training System, and adaptation of it through extraordinary measures to reactivate the Professional Training courses for Employment in person.


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Author Biography

María Fátima Poyatos Chacón

Profesora de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguidad Social de la Universidad de Málaga.


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How to Cite

Poyatos Chacón, M. F. (2020). Towards the recovery of vocational training for presential employment: The Employment Training System. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (1), 296–311.



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