The social security distribution system versus population aging




pension, aging, crises, taxes


The aging of the population is a demographic problem of a structural character which affects in a large or small measure all members of the European Union. In Spain, this problem will enlarge within the next 10 years with the retirement of former baby boom generation, which has put in doubt the viability of the social security economic distribution, designed in the years between 1963-1966, when the state of affairs of Spain and their protective needs were very distinct to the current existing ones.

Furthermore, with transitory character, Spain has been immersed in an economic crisis since 2006, due to the effects of the economic globalization in the financial field especially by the fall in the real estate sector caused by the disproportionate rise in the prices of this secondary sector. This fact has provoked a decline in contributors which has raised a necessary awareness in political parties that requires a sustainable modification in respect to public pension payments. From the year 2011 reforms have been introduced in relation to public pensions, so the delay in retirement age, the active aging, the regulation of the sustainability factor, the revaluation indicator and recommendation towards private social pension plans as a complement of public pensions, are aiming to secure the constitutional principle of economic sufficiency for citizens.


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Author Biography

Miguel Gutiérrez Bengoechea

Profesor Titular de Derecho Financiero y Tributario de la Universidad de Málaga.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Bengoechea, M. (2020). The social security distribution system versus population aging. Journal of Labor and Social Security Legal Studies (REJLSS), (1), 235–243.



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