Study on the variables that are related to school dropout in adult training centers
Adult Education, Higher Education, Ac-ademic failure, High School Dropouts.Abstract
Introduction. School dropout in Spain has a high dropout rate and has a high youth unemployment rate. In the present investigation, he tries to know to what extent the educational center, the resources in the classroom, the teachers and the personal and family situation influenced his school dropout in students enrolled in adult centers. Methodology. The sample collected during the 2018/2019 academic year consisted of 46 people, 16 men (34%) and 31 women (66%) with the distribution of the sample by ages between 18 and 70 years (M = 37; SD = 24.13). The standardized questionnaire on school failure in secondary school students of an adult training center created by the authors Sancho and Grau (2012) was used. To obtain the results, a non-parametric analysis of a sample has been used, in addition, a linear regression and descriptive studies of both frequencies and descriptive studies have been performed. The averages have also been compared using one-way ANOVA. Results The results revealed that the variables economic resources for materials, resources in the classroom, family economic resources for the purchase of materials, development of the activity by the teacher, relationship between the center and families and adequate facilities for students, they could influence the abandonment of adult education. Discussion. The implications of these findings for research and psychoeducational practice are discussed.
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