Analysis of personal satisfaction in old age with use and learning of technologies in social networks


  • Eugenia Fernández Martín Universidad de Málaga Spain
  • Lourdes Aranda Garrido Universidad de Málaga Spain



Age, continuous learning, ICT, social networks, social welfare.


Currently, the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in people’s daily life is increasingly
important. However, those over 60 years of age usually represent a minority percentage in terms of the use of these tools. On the other hand, the use of them, as a facilitator of access to social networks, is a very  important factor in being in touch and interacting with a social group despite the limitations of time and space. Therefore, in this sense, it could be considered useful tools for the personal and social well-being of these people. That justifies carrying out a study like this, whose aim of this research is analyze the personal satisfaction of these people in relation to the use of ICT, specifically electronic devices to access social networks. This study was designed with an intrinsic case study, choosing to select a sample of people over 60 years of age was selected from the area of Malaga capital. The information collection strategies were focus group for discussion, observation and non-standardized questionnaire. Some of the most significant results showed solid evidence of the how and to what extent the use of these technological resources increases the personal satisfaction of the group studied, from the perspective of the protagonists. In this sense, the participants over 60 years of age, perceive high personal satisfaction, which grows to the extent that they adapt to the use of innovative technological resources for their experience in social networks, specifically whatsapp and facebook, which allows them a greater connection with the world and with their social support networks, such as family and friends, despite physical or spatial limitations.


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Author Biographies

Eugenia Fernández Martín, Universidad de Málaga

Dra. Eugenia Fernández Martín

Profesora de Universidad

Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad de Málaga

Lourdes Aranda Garrido, Universidad de Málaga

Profesora de Universidad

Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad de Málaga


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How to Cite

Fernández Martín, E., & Aranda Garrido, L. (2021). Analysis of personal satisfaction in old age with use and learning of technologies in social networks. International Journal of New Education, (5), 1–14.

