Between educational exclusion and public policies. Literacy and inclusion in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Argentina


  • Silvia Susana Pulice Ministerio de Educación de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Argentina



Literacy for inclusion, didactic and institutional conditions, teaching intensification devices


This article presents some conclusions from the research - action carried out in schools in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentine Republic (2023). The research aimed to find a possible articulation between the didactic and institutional conditions and the progress of learning. We worked on a universe of thirteen “Low Performance” state-managed primary schools in the City. For this, an intervention was carried out in two dimensions. From a micro dimension, accompanying and advising teaching practices in each school, analyzing available resources, participating in meetings with teachers to problematize teaching, carrying out a thorough survey of knowledge in relation to students' reading and writing, and also providing material and human resources in situations that required it. On the other hand, and from a macro dimension, re-discussing educational policies with the authorities of the jurisdiction and rethinking institutional structures considering the sociocultural context in which the teaching-learning process takes place.

This research is framed in an educational policy of the Ministry of Education of CABA, Literacy for Inclusion (API), which articulates the intervention in state schools through Devices for the Intensification of Teaching (DIE) in a co-approach. responsibility together with the actors who make up the school, to problematize literacy and make visible school trajectories at risk. Based on this, agreements are established on different actions that enhance teaching so that they effectively promote progress in student learning.

Based on action research, API manages to redefine the task of the focused action programs that were implemented in the jurisdiction more than twenty years ago and, at the same time, promote educational practices that move the configurative constructs of the EBD.

That is, action research gave us substance to review our own practices, our participation as Socio-educational Programs in the City's educational policies.



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How to Cite

Pulice, S. S. (2024). Between educational exclusion and public policies. Literacy and inclusion in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Argentina. International Journal of New Education, (13), 57–76.

