Homogeneity and scholar segregation in schools in challenging contexts. Vision of the educational community


  • Irene Moreno-Medina Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




disadvantages schools, educationally disadvantage, educational priority areas, segregation, homogeneity


This research aims to understand the perception of teachers in challenging school contexts about homogeneity and segregation in their schools. To achieve this objective, three case studies were carried out in schools located in socioeconomically challenging contexts. The participants were members of the educational community and the main instruments used were the semi-structured interview and the analysis of key documents. The results indicate that the school community perceives that their schools are stigmatized and segregated, that there is a clear lack of commitment on the part of the administration to work against the school segregation, especially in schools located in socio-economically challenging contexts, and the difficulty for other socio-educational institutions in the neighbourhood to work against this problem in isolation. Thus, the need to know the vision of the school community in schools located in socio-economically challenging contexts is evident in order to work against this issue, as a truly fair educational system should not allow school segregation.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Medina, I. (2024). Homogeneity and scholar segregation in schools in challenging contexts. Vision of the educational community. International Journal of New Education, (12), 55–68. https://doi.org/10.24310/ijne.12.2023.17919

