Building a sense of life and social responsibility.

Encounters and misunderstandings in university education


  • César Correa Arias Universidad de Guadalajara Mexico
  • Amelia Guadalupe Caro Beltrán Universidad Autónoma de Occidente Mexico



Adult education, Social Responsibility, Social life, Life quality, Identity


The meaning of life and social responsibility are transcendental in coexisting with humanity since they enable experiences endowed with consciousness for understanding and making decisions about our existence. For young university students, it represents a decisive process in their lives because it is a stage of multiple physical, emotional, intellectual and social changes.

The purpose of this research is to analyze how young university students build their meaning of life in a public university in Mexico and, at the same time, identify their capacities and potentials that allow them to contribute to the strengthening of their life projects for a greater awareness of himself and the necessary responsibility with otherness.

The study uses a mixed methodology, with a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach and a psycho-sociological perspective focused on the perception experiences that students have of themselves and other people who are significant in their lives. The research uses the LOGOTEST and PIL questionnaires in addition to semi-structured interviews.

The central question referred to: What meanings do students provide to their existences, and how do they use them to understand the meaning and life project they build within their life and educational trajectories?

The research concluded that students report severe difficulties in constructing personal identity and recognizing and accepting their potential, with an apparent detriment to their self-esteem. It makes it challenging to build meaning in life that allows the deep development of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. Thus, students build meaning in life based on establishing family ties that allow them to advance in their existence, have clear goals and purposes for professional development and position themselves in the labor market.


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Author Biographies

César Correa Arias, Universidad de Guadalajara

Profesor Investigador del Departamento de Estudios sobre el Recurso Humano. Centro Universitario de Ciencias Econónómico Adminsitrativas.

Miembro del Sistema Nacional de INvestigadores de México.

Amelia Guadalupe Caro Beltrán, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente

PhD in Human Accompaniment Sciences from the Kintu Institute, Guadalajara,
Master's degree in Gestalt psychotherapy from the INTEGRO Institute, Guadalajara. Graduate
in Educational Psychology at the Autonomous University of the West, Sinaloa.
He has a diploma in Bioenergetics and psychocorporeal and a diploma in therapy, dance and
motion. Training in neurolinguistic programming. He is a professor at the University
Autonomous University of the West since 2003 in the area of ​​psychology. Experience
Seventeen years old in psychotherapy with private Gestalt approach consultation. Areas of
research are the meaning of life, meaninglessness, resilience and existential emptiness.


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How to Cite

Correa Arias, C., & Caro Beltrán, A. G. (2024). Building a sense of life and social responsibility.: Encounters and misunderstandings in university education. International Journal of New Education, (12), 81–101.

