Sexuality education as a framework for discussion and implementation of inclusive practices in university pedagogy


  • María Beatriz Delpech UADE - UBA - CONICET Argentina



Sexual Education, Hermeneutics, Inclusion


This article delves into the significance of Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI taking into account its initials in Spanish) in higher education, proposing a multidisciplinary, hermeneutic, and supportive pedagogical approach. Since the implementation of Argentine Law No. 26,150 in 2006, ESI stands as a cultural framework that transcends the traditional biologist paradigm, encompassing biological, psychological, social, affective, and ethical aspects. The Resolution of the Federal Council of Education No. 340/18 reaffirms these values and establishes five conceptual axes to comprehend the comprehensiveness of ESI.

Through a case study at the University of Buenos Aires, the application of hermeneutic pedagogy in an academic writing support workshop at Ezeiza prison is highlighted. This workshop acknowledges the students' life stories, promoting writing as a social practice, integrating personal experiences with academic writing.

Emphasis is placed on the importance of recognizing individual capacities (inspired by Martha Nussbaum and Amartya Sen's "capabilities") and the fundamental role of teachers in supporting these capacities. An inclusive vision for higher education is proposed, advocating for a shift in existing paradigms and recognizing diversity, life experiences, and individual capacities as cornerstones for a fairer and more equitable education. ESI and hermeneutic pedagogy emerge as key elements for this transformation, challenging traditional academic practices and promoting a more inclusive education respectful of diversity.


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How to Cite

Delpech, M. B. (2024). Sexuality education as a framework for discussion and implementation of inclusive practices in university pedagogy. International Journal of New Education, (12), 147–164.

