Possibilities of Creative Practices to Work with the Intercultural Approach in the Social Work Degree





social work, Creative practices, interculturality, inclusion, dialogue


Working with the intercultural approach in educational centres is a way of promoting diversity as a normality and thus being able to eradicate excluding events from society (Martínez-Salanova, 2006; Aguado, 2017). The role of this approach within the classroom, at any age, is essential to educate without labels and prepare children and adults for current reality. Based on this idea, this research proposes an educational experience which deals with interculturality and creative practices, performed with Social Work university students in the subject “Intervention, diversity and interculturality”. This educational experience begins with an explanation of the meaning of Inclusive education, the intercultural approach, and creative practices. After clarifying these concepts, some examples of creative practices observed by the researchers in the field are suggested as models. Then, some specific questions are proposed for the students to reflect about and encourage a debate on creative practices and interculturality. With this practice, we aim to promote reflection on the meaning and relevance of using creative practices in educational and social contexts and to develop inclusive values in future social workers through the creation of debates and texts in relation to intercultural and creative practices. The value of inclusion is promoted through the participation of all students, dialogue, and reflection on the debate about creative practices that aimed to promote the intercultural approach. However, some of the practices presented are focused on performativity rather than on the humanist approach.


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How to Cite

López Fuentes, A. V., & Bracons, H. . (2023). Possibilities of Creative Practices to Work with the Intercultural Approach in the Social Work Degree . International Journal of New Education, (11), 121–135. https://doi.org/10.24310/IJNE.11.2023.16975

