Teen dating violence socio-educational preventive program





Dating violence, Sexism, Gender, Nonviolence, Prevention


Dating violence refers to aggressive behaviors (physical, psychological, or sexual) that are manifested in some romantic relationships in adolescents and young people. Dating violence is considered a precursor to gender violence, so it is necessary to try to prevent it. There are many studies that have identified different protective and risk factors that influence the appearance of gender violence; however, most intervention proposals focus on providing knowledge and strategies to prevent it, with few programs that consider other factors that promote healthy relationships. For this reason, this paper proposes a preventive program for dating violence in which different factors are addressed. It will be carried out with Compulsory Secondary Education students and will consist of three blocks: self-esteem and empathy, social skills, and education on dating violence.


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How to Cite

Vizoso-Gómez, C., & Fernández-Gutiérrez, A. (2022). Teen dating violence socio-educational preventive program. International Journal of New Education, (10), 87–102. https://doi.org/10.24310/IJNE.10.2022.15556

