Students' assessment of e-learning quality in Colombia
Virtual universities, higher education, educational quality, Colombia, student satisfactionAbstract
The virtual modality is positioning itself as a useful and necessary educational alternative that contributes to democratising education and guaranteeing real opportunities of access to a large number of students. However, despite the advantages of the model, there is still a negative perception that questions its quality. The aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge of this modality based on the students' own assessment of the training process. To this end, a survey was applied to 476 undergraduate students in the virtual mode in Colombia, gathering information on the quality of the information received, the quality of the system and technological infrastructure, the service and the interactions carried out, and this information was processed to obtain indicators that allow us to find out which factors are affecting their satisfaction. The results obtained reveal that there are some factors that have a direct impact on the student's perception, especially the value given to the quality of interactions in terms of adequate accompaniment and teaching support. The results obtained corroborate the conclusions of previous studies, which show the need for adequate digital competences at both institutional and teaching level in order to offer an assertive and proactive educational response.
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