Learning with interactive multimedia through collaborative and individualistic work in oral rehabilitation


  • María Cristina Sifuentes Valenzuela UNAM Mexico
  • Luis Bernardo Molina Arroyo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Mexico




multimedia teaching, dentistry, team learning, clinical teaching.


Students of the Bachelor of Dental Surgeon of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) must develop cognitive and procedural skills that allow them to solve the oral health problems of the population, from their training in teaching clinics. In this educational process, the multimedia material in the simulation laboratories is a resource that can support students in understanding and developing skills prior to dental care with patients. The objective of this work was to identify the influence of collaborative work on learning, at the level of knowledge and understanding of an oral rehabilitation topic, which uses interactive multimedia as a didactic resource, with respect to those who carried out individualistic work. A questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect the information. For the analysis of the information, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of the Office 2016 Package and the SPSS statistical package (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 2013) were used. The results obtained before and after the classes in each study group, as well as between the two groups, were compared. The results obtained in the two study dimensions: Knowledge and Comprehension, show statistically significant positive differences both in the groups that carried out collaborative work, as well as with respect to the groups that carried out individualistic work. The most relevant conclusions are related to the higher performance shown by the data at the level of comprehension by the students of the group that carried out collaborative work, which refers to its relevance in the training of the students due to the impact that this level has on the resolution of oral health problems, and the need to continue promoting more research in this regard, in order to promote this methodology considering its long-term evidence.


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How to Cite

Sifuentes Valenzuela, M. C., & Molina Arroyo , L. B. (2021). Learning with interactive multimedia through collaborative and individualistic work in oral rehabilitation. International Journal of New Education, (8), 79–93. https://doi.org/10.24310/IJNE.8.2021.13505

