Educational immersion in e-sport. From the playful context to the educational world




High schools, School failure, Motivation, Teacher behavior, e-sports, Dropout


The research tries to know to what extent the influence of teachers who taught while studying high school and / or secondary education has on students who practice e-sports. The sample collected are players who compete in FIFA21 formed by 30 people, a non-parametric analysis of a sample, a linear regression, a correlation, descriptive studies and ANOVA of a factor have been used. The following variables are used, the sample of respect and fair treatment with respect to all the students, responded with interest to the interventions, sample of respect and fair treatment, organization and preparation of the classes, the explanations related to examples, the clarity and precision of the transmission of contents, the degree of concordance between what was explained with the exams, the days of competition, the hours outside the official training, the relationship with the captains, the hours playing other modalities and the hours of training could influence the school dropout.


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Author Biography

Luis Miguel Mateos Toro, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Maestro de Educación Primaria

Doctorando por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja


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How to Cite

Mateos Toro, L. M., & Abellán Roselló, L. (2021). Educational immersion in e-sport. From the playful context to the educational world. International Journal of New Education, (8), 65–78.

