Evaluation of courses basic information, activities and resources of Moodle in engineering


  • César Calderón Mayorga a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:26:"Universidad de Guadalajara";} Mexico




higher education, blended learning, engineering, activities and resources of Moodle


The University Center of los Valles (CUValles) of the University of Guadalajara supports its educational model on the Moodle platform. Teachers are asked to use some activities and resources, in addition to providing basic information about the courses. The objective of the study is to identify the proportion in which the activities and resources of the Moodle platform are used, as well as the basic information of each course of Engineering in Electronics and Computing, Mechatronics and Electronic Instrumentation and Nanosensors that is requested to host the platform , as well as comparing the results of these engineering studies in the school cycles 2017B to 2019B. We began by identifying the subjects that correspond to each of the three engineering, to later review at the end of each school cycle, each of the online instructional materials for each subject, seeking to identify the Moodle activities and resources used, as well as the basic course information available. The information was grouped by career, identifying for each activity and Moodle resource the percentage of online instructional materials in which they were used, as well as for each element of the basic information of the courses, the percentage of online instructional materials that were used. incorporated in each school cycle. The information was concentrated by school cycle, to compare and identify similarities and differences in each of the five school cycles that this study comprises. From the analysis carried out, it was found that the Moodle activities that were used in a greater proportion during the five school cycles were assignment and the forum, the resources, the questionnaire and the readings, together with the basic information of the courses that in a greater proportion were facilitated was the presentation of the course and the teacher, the objectives of the course and the evaluation.


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How to Cite

Calderón Mayorga, C. (2021). Evaluation of courses basic information, activities and resources of Moodle in engineering. International Journal of New Education, (6). https://doi.org/10.24310/IJNE3.2.2020.11033

