S-colpire, un-knocking. Uncarving the female figure
Sculpture, beauty, feminist criticism, simbolic violence, advertisement, fashionAbstract
Under the patriarchal regime, diverse discourses and practices are combined in order to produce, strengthen, legitimize and reproduce the subjugation of women; from physical violence, brutality exercised on their bodies and lives, to the most sophisticated and seductive artifices. In the aim of tracing the weight that represents for women the ideal of beauty from antiquity to the present day, my research focuses on the relationship between classical statuary and the iconography of fashion magazines addressed to a broad female audience, pointing out in the silent and constant presence of the mandate of beauty a function analogous to that of the caryatids in the support of the heteropatriarchal order building.
The objective of the present work could be synthesized in this linguistic resource applied to the Italian verb scolpire (to sculpt, to carve): by separating the initial “s” with a hyphen, the pun uncovers another verb within it, colpire (to hit, to knock). Since in Italian the letter “s” at the beginning of a word can have a privative value (as in English the prefixes “un-“ or “in-“ usually do) the idea we seek to suggest is that of “un-knock”, that is, to turn around, reverse, disrupt, undo that violence.
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