Remediations of the Image: Audiovisualizations and (Dis)Appropriations of the History of Art and the Visual Culture


  • Marilyn Payrol Morán Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Mexico
  • Alma Cardoso Martínez Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla Mexico
  • Renato Bermúdez Dini Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México Mexico


Ways of seeing


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How to Cite

Payrol Morán, M., Cardoso Martínez, A., & Bermúdez Dini, R. (2023). Remediations of the Image: Audiovisualizations and (Dis)Appropriations of the History of Art and the Visual Culture. UMÁTICA. Journal on Image Creation and Analysis, 5(6), 207–215. Retrieved from