Architectural and musical forms. Reflections on architecture, beyond visual
form, architecture, music, unity, visual appearance.Abstract
Making a reflexive approach to Architecture without immediately appearing the word Form seems unusual. However, and often, the multiplicity of meanings is not considered sufficiently enough, which may impoverish the overall reflection. Considering the meaning of Form, as seen in other artistic disciplines, can give us some clues to understand its true scope. In the field of architecture, it is customary to limit this meaning to the first meaning of the RAE dictionary: “…external configuration or visual appearance of an object”. On the other hand, when talking about Music, Form is much more closely linked to the third meaning: “… mode or way of structuring themes and their developments, as in sonata form, for instance”. Carefully reconsidering what has been written by authors from both creative disciplines, provides a broader area of confluence, in which building -in architecture-, and composing -in music-, come to identify each other, reaching their utmost significance.
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