Objectual rebelliousness in times of de-normalisation of functionality.
objects of use, design, contemporary art, negation of functionality, object syntaxAbstract
A theoretical journey and thoughts on art and design, as well as a dialogue between works by contemporary Argentine artists that are linked through a common syntax between them, a syntax based on operations and denial strategies of the original functionality of the objects, functionalities that operate from a model that was instilled in us, where objects must serve us, obey and be beautiful. These are objects that struggle with their role model, their canonical or normative condition, they are at the same time real and represented, objects and things, static and dynamic. They are objects that offer us a look at the transformations experienced within the material culture of everyday life. They help us recognize certain concrete aspects that distinguish people's lives and turn particular and social situations into plausible experiences to be narrated.
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Listado documental
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CALVO, Eugenia, (2011). Obra titulada S/T (estructura para mesita), de la serie S/T (Estructuras para mobiliario). Escultura en hierro y madera. Medidas 184 cm x 75 cm x 135 cm. Consultado en: http://eugeniacalvo.com/es-ar/trabajos-seleccion/s-t-estructuras-para-mobiliario/
CALVO, Eugenia, (2015). Obra titulada Powerful Lessons, Estructura en hierro y alfombra. Medidas 300 cm x 100 cm x 300 cm. Consultado en: http://eugeniacalvo.com/es-ar/trabajos-seleccion/powerful-lessons/
HERRERA, Carlos, (2013). Obra sin titulo, de la muestra Trabajo Nocturno. Escultura en madera. Consultado en: http://www.herreracarlos.com.ar/Muestra.html?Obra=11
MACCHI, Jorge, (2018). Obra titulada Trap. Escultura en madera. Medidas 61cm x 214cm x 168cm. Consultado en: https://www.jorgemacchi.com/es/obras/620/trap
MACCHI, Jorge, (2010). Obra titulada Reacción. Escultura sobre vidrio soplado. Medidas 210cm x 102cm x 60cm. Consultado en: http://proa.org/esp/exhibition-of-bridges-and-borders-jorge-macchi-1.php
TELLERIA, Mariana, (2013). Obra titulada Morir no es posible (de la serie Buscando a Cristo en todos lados). Escultura realizada a partir de un sillón fragmentado. Medidas 140cm x 180cm x 250cm. Consultado en: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/mariana-telleria-morir-no-es-posible-de-la-serie-buscando-a-cristo-en-todos-lados
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