Research in Design, Art and Technology as a basis for resilience and innovation
The paradigm shift we are facing after the pandemic crisis has brought with it a profound reflection on the model in which social progress is developed and how it is necessary to mark a new time in which design, creativity and applied transversal innovation will need to be worked on as disciplines for their collective appropriation by the citizenry. 2021 has been presented as a crucial year in which the creative economy and the postulates of the new Bauhaus clearly mark a discourse in which nations become aware of their importance as a key to innovation, sustainable development and, ultimately, economic recovery. In this context, research in art and design provides a nutrient of transfer to society that becomes indispensable for the impulse of this transversal innovation that has to face a new time for resilience and sustainability. This article presents the theoretical bases on which two European research projects are based, in which design and contemporary art are put in direct relation through artificial intelligence, machine learning and the circular economy in order to establish connections between artists, artisans, designers, makers, producers and recycling companies through a hybrid management model based on knowledge communities and eco-design, integrating paradigms of circular economy, creative economy and collaborative economy.
These projects are also approached from the institutional support that has led to the creation of the first university research chair for Innovation in Crafts, Design and Contemporary Art which, from the University of Granada and together with the Albayzín National Reference Centre for Crafts, addresses research, transfer and training processes in the three areas with the aim of opening new avenues of development and entrepreneurship for young artists, designers and artisans.
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