The role of ideology in the canonization in the USSR of Julio Cortázar’s literary work


  • Ekaterina Eremina Spain



Cortázar, translation, symbolic violence, ideology, Soviet literary field


The literary production by Julio Cortázar, featuring narrative experiments and a metaphysical quest, a priori did not fit into the dominant poetics of realistic literature at the service of socialism officially imposed in the USSR. However, his texts were translated into Russian from the beginning of the 1970s. This paper studies the mechanism of the introduction and canonization of Cortázar’s writings in the Soviet literary field, highly conditioned by the state power, as well as the double role of literary criticism which served both as a tool of symbolic violence used by the State and as a form of resistance against it, adopted by editors and cultural mediators.


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Author Biography

Ekaterina Eremina

Doctora por la Universidad Pompeu Fabra


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How to Cite

Eremina, E. (2019). The role of ideology in the canonization in the USSR of Julio Cortázar’s literary work. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (23), 111–127.


