Symbolic Violence and Translingualism in the (re) Writing of Guapa by Saleem Haddad


  • Antonio Jesús Martínez Pleguezuelos Universidad Complutense de Madrid Spain



symbolic violence, translingualism, identity, sexuality


In this article we present an analysis of the novel Guapa, by Saleem Haddad, in order to study the representation and translation of the sexual identity of the main character, a young man who lives in an Arab country, based on the ideological power structures that intervene in every discourse. In line with what several authors such as Larkosh suggest, we will analyze writing as «translation» processes which participate in projects of identity construction. More specifically, we shall adopt the concept of «translingualism» and apply it to the context of Translation Studies, and we will observe the extent to which the symbolic violence that was described by Bourdieu limits the discursive practices that take part in the construction of identities. Moreover, we will examine the translation of this work into Spanish in order to reflect on the potential or limitations of translation between languages to subvert the dominant identity constructions.


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How to Cite

Martínez Pleguezuelos, A. J. (2019). Symbolic Violence and Translingualism in the (re) Writing of Guapa by Saleem Haddad. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (23), 19–34.


